Student Handbook 2024-25

2 We look forward to you successfully completing your studies and joining the ranks of graduates who are contributing to local and global development. As you diligently pursue your academic goals, I urge you to uphold UTech, Jamaica’s Core Values of Respect, Accountability, Integrity, Service, Excellence, Innovation and Team Spirit. I also encourage you to explore all that the university has to offer by participating in various aspects of university life that align with your interests, including student leadership, myriad competitions, clubs and societies, sports and cultural activities, as well as volunteer and community service initiatives – all of which will contribute to your personal development and enrich your experience. I extend my best wishes to all new and returning students for a successful, enjoyable, and rewarding academic year. Dr. Kevin Brown President PRESIDENT ’S MESSAGE CONT'D T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TECHNOLOGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024 – 2025