Student Handbook 2024-25

T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 144 DINING FACI L I T I ES Dining facilities for students and faculty are provided by Juici Patties, Burger King, Pages, and Lillian’s Restaurant – a training facility for Hospitality and Tourism Management students. Light snacks and drinks are also available from the various shops located at the Student’s Activity Centre, John’s Tuck Shop, Shelleys’ and Andrea’s. SPORTS AND RECREAT ION The Department of Sport is the “Home of World Class Athletes”. Our vision is to have the beststudent athletics sports programme in the world. Our primary goal is to provide a sporting environment which enhances the development of quality, competitive and recreational sporting activities which improve leadership skills, teamwork, confidence, discipline and character building in our graduates. At the centre of our facilities is the Alfred Sangster Auditorium, which has a 6,000 sq. ft. stage floor of sprung timber and seating capacity for 1,100 including a balcony with tiered seating for 220. The auditorium also includes marked floor space for basketball, netball, volleyball and badminton. The floor space is also used for table tennis and martial arts. Adjoining the auditorium is a weights room and a squash court. Outdoor facilities include a golf putting area with a sand strap and fairways for par three, four and five-hole, cricket pitch and pavilion, a half-Olympic size swimming pool, a 310-meter grass running track, football and rugby field with changing facilities and colourfully painted netball, basketball, volleyball, and tennis courts. I NTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS The Department offers twelve intercollegiate sports for men and women. Sports for both men and women include basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, squash, hockey, football, table tennis and track and field, our flagship sport. Sports restricted to men only are cricket and rugby and to women – netball. Over the past 35 years, our Intercollegiate Sport programme has produced many national representatives in different sports. Our flagship sport, track & field, has produced some of the most notable student-athletes: namely, OlymSTUDENT LIFE