Student Handbook 2024-25

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 130 one time. Any candidate leaving the room, to go to the restroom for example, will be accompanied by an invigilator. 22. Any candidate who is considered by an invigilator to be disruptive during an examination may be required to withdraw from the examination. 23. If you leave the examination room without permission, you will be considered to have failed the examination and a report will be submitted to the University Registrar. 24. You may not leave the room during the first or last 30 minutes of the examination. 25. You should ensure that all your examination scripts and other work submitted for assessment are legible. The examiners may decide not to mark examination scripts or other work judged by them to be illegible. 26. If you are absent from the examination without medical or other valid reason, you will automatically fail. 27. You should not remove from an examination room any answer booklet or material provided for the examination. Invigilators may/may not permit you to take away a question paper from the examination room. 28. Offences and sanctions for academic misconduct are detailed in the “Important Regulations” section in Regulation 5, (See page 190). See frequently asked questions and answers on page 254. EXAMINATIONS