2. Students who absent themselves from examinations or module assessments without a valid reason will receive a failing grade. 3. If there are circumstances, such as psychosocial stressors such as death(s) in the family, and other circumstances determined by the Counselling Psychologist or Psychiatrist, which may affect the student’s performance in an examination and the student chooses to write the examination or module assessment, he/she cannot appeal the results. (See page 128–129 for the forms to be completed). OFF ICIAL NOTIFICATION OF EXAMINATION RESULTS Students can obtain their official progress reports from their College/Faculty/School. Progress Reports are issued at the end of semesters and summer sessions examinations. Students may also access results and Progress Reports via the e:Vision and the Student Portal. ]] LOST EXAMINATION GRADES If a lecturer cannot produce a grade for an examination done by a student and the coursework was passed, the student should be offered a passing grade or the opportunity to re-do the examination with tutorial assistance, if necessary, at no cost (See policy on “Lost Examination Grades”). In the case of an individual who has graduated from the University In the case of a graduate, he/she should be offered the lowest grade that will not result in a lowering of the class of award earned. EXAMINATION GRADE REVI EW A review may be obtained only if there were extenuating circumstances not known to the examiners or evidence of irregularities in the conduct of the examinations (For procedures, see No. 15, “Other Frequently Asked Questions” on page 248). RE-DO EXAMINATION POL ICY AND PROCEDURES The Re-do Policy is summarized on page 214. REGISTRATION FOR RE-DO EXAMINATIONS It is the responsibility of each student to note the specific closing dates for registration and re-do examinations. The onus is on the student to complete and submit the required registration forms and pay the required fees. The registration date can be found in the “Academic Calendar Year ” section of this Handbook (page 14). EXTERNAL EXAMINATIONS The University has always maintained close ties with overseas examination bodies. The examinations of some professional groups in Jamaica are administered in collaboration with overseas examining bodies. TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 EXAMINATIONS 126