ilator or any such person designated by the University. Cellular phones are not allowed in the clash-room. 6. Students will be quarantined for the period of the clash examinations. POLICY ON “THE RESCHEDULING OF EXAMINATIONS FOR STUDENTS REPRESENTING THE UNIVERSITY DURING SCHEDULED EXAMINATION SESSIONS” PURPOSE This policy is intended for an enrolled student who wishes to apply for the rescheduling of examinations if he/she is unable to sit the scheduled final examination due to the following: • The student will be representing the University on approved activities • The student will be involved in activities of statutory and national importance, e.g., jury duty, special mission and national emergencies • Emergencies or other situations where rescheduling may be required will be dealt with at the College/Faculty level. Appropriate documentation indicating the service/duty must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for approval. Prior approval from the University is required before an examination is rescheduled. PROCEDURAL RULES STUDENT Advanced rescheduling of examinations will be allowed only under the procedures noted below: • The student must complete and sign an “Examination Reschedule Form” stating each examination module to be taken and submit to the Dean/Dean of School for approval. • Return form to the Director of Sport/Programme Director. This should be done at least three weeks prior to the start of the scheduled examination period as published in the Student Handbook. DI RECTOR OF SPORT/PROGRAMME DI RECTOR Upon receipt of appropriate documentation from the student, the Director of Sport/ Programme Director will be required to: • prepare a memorandum requesting the rescheduling of the examinations, along with supporting documentation, including: – Name of student – Activity – Period within which student will be away from the University – Modules to be rescheduled. • submit the above to the Office of the Registrar. This should be done three weeks T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 EXAMINATIONS 123