• Attach the supporting documents (Donor Letter, Proof of funds remitted to UTech and invoice from supplier of goods, where applicable). • The memo and supporting documents are to be submitted to the Snr. Accountant, Payroll/Payables; through the Director of Student Financing and the CBFO; in order for the cheque payment to be processed. STUDENTS’ UNION PERFORMANCE BASED REWARD (PBR) The Students’ Union Council members receive an incentive at the end of each academic year; which is paid as a percentage of tuition fees for that year. This incentive is referred to as the Performance -Based Reward (PBR). The PBR is paid after a performance evaluation process which would determine if the Council member is eligible for the PBR based on the result of the performance review. The PBR is paid by cheque to the individual Council Member and is therefore processed as follows: 1. A written request for payment is sent by the Assistant Registrar, Student Services to the Snr. Director, Business and Asset Administration for approval. 2. Following receipt of approval from the Snr. Director, the documents are then sent to the Snr. Accountant, Payroll/Payables for the cheque to be generated. PERFORMANCE BASED REWARD (PBR) CONDITIONALITIES In the administration of the PBR, the following important conditions should be noted: 1. Based on the revised provision of the Students Union policy approved in 2014, the PBR is not to be “applied to Council Members Tuition or Boarding Fees” therefore the following guidelines obtain: 2. The PBR is not to be processed through the Students Receivables Department as this would then require the payment to be offset against tuition fees. 3. A written commitment outlining eligibility for the PBR cannot be used to offset fee payment requirements for the Enrolment Commitment Fee, Financial Clearance or associated fee payment penalties/charges. 4. Each Council Representative is paid directly and therefore on receipt of the payment may use the funds to settle any outstanding debt to the University and or prepay for expected fees in the future. 5. Where fees are outstanding for Student Council Members they will be subjected to the usual charges and penalties as applicable to the rest of the student population. 6. Where a Student Union Council Representative is a recipient of another award/grant from the University whether by way of scholarship or sponsorship in a given academic year the total paid by the University “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 104