Student Handbook 2024-25

and gross salary earned whether annually, monthly, fortnightly or weekly; b. Last three (3) pay slips; c. For informal self-employed members of the household – Declaration of Self-Employment Form; d. For formal self-employed members of the household – a current audited account from a certified Accountant; e. For persons who are employed to basic schools that are governed by the Ministry of Education (MOE), they will be required to submit the three last payslips from the Ministry of Education (MOE) and a job letter signed and stamped from the basic school. 9. For households where there is NO employed members (inclusive of the applicant), a Zero Income Household Form must be completed and notarized by a Justice of the Peace. 10. Proof of PATH benefit for household member(s) registered under the PATH scheme by means of a: a. NCB PATH Cash Card; b. A letter from the Ministry of Labour & Social Security OR c. A PATH cheque-stub (within the past 6 months of submission) 11. Declaration Form (original document must be submitted to the SLB’s office) If you are applying to a university as a new student, you can bring in the acceptance letter as soon as you have received it from the institution. However, all other documents as outlined above must be brought in order for the loan to be processed. The Students' Loan Bureau website – houses all relevant information on the how, when and where of applying for a loan. The SLB’s process is a convenient one that allows the student to complete the form at intervals where assistance may be sought for clarification as necessary. For further information please feel free to email the Students’ Loan Bureau at; by phone at 876-619-4752; or WhatsApp 876-279-8080. STUDENTS’ REFUNDS POL ICY GENERAL GUIDEL INES 1. In the case where a student has overpaid on his/her account, the student has the option to request a refund or allow the funds to be applied to the next semester’s fee. 2. Refund applications are accepted at the end of each academic year so as to ensure that students adequately cover their financial obligations for the entire academic year. The refund application periods are as follows: • May 15–July 31 – Students whose last enrolment for the A/Y is semester two “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 96