7. Students will receive regular messages on their portal, to inform them of their registration status. 8. Students are required to monitor their portal ‘In tray’ for messages regarding financial clearance. They are further urged to take note of the details of the messages and follow the recommended actions. 9. If after two (2) clear working days following fee payment, a financial clearance message does not appear in the ‘In tray’, please contact the Student Financial Services Unit via email fincustomersupport@utech.edu.jm. 10. The notification message you will receive in your ‘in tray’ may include any of the following: a. “You have been financially cleared . . .” b. “You have not paid the requisite amount to be registered . . . The remaining balance must be settled to avoid penalties.” c. “Your financial status cannot be assessed because you have not confirmed your module selections.” Please pay special attention to the instructions displayed which would indicate if there is a problem with your registration and follow the recommended actions. You cannot be registered unless: a. the requisite fees have been paid b. your modules are confirmed 11. Financial clearance is given electronically, based on your invoice and payment agreement. I MPLICATIONS FOR NON-COMPL IANCE WI TH FEE PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS Students are urged to pursue the number of modules based on affordability based on the flexibility of semesterization. Where students opt to take a payment plan, it is expected that they will honour their financial obligations as stipulated in the payment plan, in order to avoid arrears. A student will be deemed to be in arrears if: • fees from previous years remain unpaid (such a student will not normally be allowed to register). • an expected payment is not received on or before the due date. • any late fees or miscellaneous fees are unpaid. Students who are not registered will be delisted. 2. Students whose payments are late may be charged a late fee. 3. Students who are in arrears will be blocked from viewing grades and enrolling in subsequent semesters. 4. Provisionally enrolled students who utilize the University’s services by attending classes but fail to complete their registration by the stipulated date, will NOT be allowed to sit exams. 5. The names of the students who fail to settle T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024 – 2025 ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 93 1.