If the scholarship donor fails to pay the required fees, the student is ultimately liable and will be required to pay all out- standing Fees, On Demand. FEE PAYMENT PROCEDURES FOR SPONSORED STUDENTS 1. Sponsored students are required to submit their Letter of Undertaking from their sponsor; in order to be registered for a given semester. 2. The sponsorship letter can be dropped off at the Sponsorship Unit (located in Finance and Business Services Division) or it may be sent by email to studentcollections@ utech.edu.jm. 3. Students should aim to finalize their spon- sorship, so that at the very least, a written commitment to pay can be given by the sponsor to the University, before the Cen- sus Date in each semester. 4. Students who do not have approval for their sponsorship in time for the Census Date requirement, are subject to the requirements of the Standard Payment Plan for a given semester. 5. Financial clearance can only be given with a letter of commitment to pay at least the minimum fee payment requirement, according to the approved payment plans. T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024 – 2025 ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 89 Assistant Registrar of that campus will for- ward them to the Scholarship Unit at the Papine Campus for processing. 11. 5. Scholarship recipients who do not have approved scholarship in time for the Cen- sus date, will be subject to the require- ments of the Standard Fee Payment Plan 6. Financial clearance can only be given when a written Donor Commitment is received by the Financial Aid Office or the minimum payment made, according to the approved payment plans. 7. Where Scholarship commitments are not received by the Scholarship Office before the Census Date to allow for financial clear- ance, these students are subject to all con- ditionalities as stated in the approved payment plan. 8. Scholarship recipients are required to pay all fees in excess of the amount covered by the scholarship, in order to receive financial clearance in any given semester. 9. Scholarship students who have failed mod- ules will be required to bear the full cost to redo the modules; unless otherwise stipul- ated by the Donor in writing. 10. Students are required to liaise with the Scholarship Office to ensure that the scholarship donor pays the agreed fees within the agreed time.