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“EXCELLENCE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE” P A G E 118 Jamaica’s Capital City Needs Another Fire Station! Editor’s Note: Putting GIS Technology to use, UTech Lecturer Mr. Alvin Clarke makes this very important recommendation based on his research, the results of which were published in the Gleaner story below. This is yet another example of the practical relevant of research conducted by the University of Technology, Jamaica. Study Shows Corporate Area Needs Additional Fire Station Kingston and St Andrew need an additional fire station. This is one of the key recommendations of a study conducted by University of Technology (UTech) lecturer in the Faculty of the Built Environment, Alvin Clarke. The study utilised Geographical Information System (GIS) technology to analyse emergency responses by the Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) during 2010. In explaining the findings to The Gleaner, Clarke outlined that demographic changes and widespread fire incidences indicate that an additional fire station is needed in Kingston and St Andrew. “If you check the data to see when the last station was built in Kingston and St Andrew compared to how the population has grown, even in areas like Liguanea, the golden triangle area, where you have one-acre lots occupied by single family, say 30 years ago, it’s now an apartment complex with about 30 families,” he said. He went on to explain that the increased population puts pressure on the Half-Way Tree station, which responds to most of the fire calls. “The Half-Way Tree station tops the list for the most calls received and responded to. If one station is under increased pressure to respond, you can just imagine what would happen to the personnel working there.” The Stony Hill station was the last fire station built in Kingston and St Andrew. It was built in 1979. According to the Statistical Institute of Jamaica, the population of the parish at the end of 1977 was 643,800. At the end of 2012, the population of the parish was 666,041. Published: The Gleaner, Saturday | March 14, 2015