UTech, Jamaica 60th Anniversary Newspaper Supplement
Special Advertisement 4 THE DAILY OBSERVER SUNDAY JULY 22, 2018 twitter.com/jamaicaobserver www.jamaicaobserver.com The University of Technology, Jamaica is celebrating its 60th Anniversary year. Like everything else that grows, it started as a little cell that has now (in scientific terms) become a large molecule. From there it continued to grow until it became the College of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST). The final step was taken in the middle of the 1990s where it was given the status of University. Today it is the second largest university in Jamaica with over 12,000 students. This status carries ultimate responsibility for the university to keep growing. But that of course means funding which comes from students’ fees, grants and a significant contribution from government. With the successful discussions taking place for increased funding from government, we can look forward to UTech, Jamaica playing a major role in society and expect greater expansion over the next 10 years. Educational systems are changing rapidly. Modernisation is now the key word to make education, easier, better and more technical. As a technical university UTech, Jamaica has demonstrated its ability to keep pace with all the instruments of change and we will continue to do so. The Most Hon Edward Seaga ON, PC, LLD (Hon.), D.Litt. (Hon) Chancellor, University of Technology, Jamaica The Vision of Change The University of Technology, Jamaica is celebrating its 60th Anniversary under the theme “Pioneering Past, Bright Future.” This theme aptly describes the journey of then College of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST) from an applied tertiary institution to a full-fledged University. UTech, Ja. is now one of four universities in Jamaica. UTech, Ja. has applied to the University Council of Jamaica, the National External Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, for institutional accreditation. Internationally, institutional accreditation is the ultimate seal of quality bestowed on higher education institutions. UTech, Jamaica’s application signals that it has inter alia undertaken a self-study and strengthened its internal quality assurance systems. The evaluation process widens the focus of the external quality assurance agency, to include not only programmes but also the management of the Institution. It in no way diminishes the monitoring of programmes, but rather expands scrutiny to all aspects of the operations. On behalf of the Council and Staff of the University Council of Jamaica, I congratulate The University of Technology, Jamaica on the celebration of its 60th Anniversary, its past and current successes, and look forward to celebrating many future successes with UTech, Ja. Carolyn Hayle, Ph.D. Chairman, The University Council of Jamaica Constant Self-Study Yields Quality
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