Message from the University Registrar

Elaine Wallace, PhD
University Registrar
Dear Student:
A warm UTech, Jamaica welcome to all new and returning undergraduate and graduate students to all campuses of the University of Technology, Jamaica for the 2014/15 Academic Year!
To new students I say ‘thank you’ for making UTech your university of choice. Our commitment is to demonstrate during your stay here that you would have made the right choice. To our students who are returning to continue and to complete their studies, we commit to improving our service and support to you and offering an even better experience. And, to all I say, take ownership of your life as a student at UTech and resolve to become the even greater success that you have the capacity to be.
Many of you attended our pre-registration sessions held at the Papine Campus in Kingston and Western campus in Montego Bay and would have received information on what to expect as you begin your Course of Study. The University now delivers the curriculum of all its Courses of Study on a semesterized timetable. This phase of the UTech semesterized system was introduced in 2009/10 Academic Year to offer our students even greater flexibility in pursuing their education at UTech. In this year we will further fine-tune the semesterized system to make the flexibility that it offers you more effective. We are also improving our systems in order to expedite the processes by which we provide our services at all our campuses and we will be aggressively implementing service standards that we have developed.
During Orientation Week, August 17 - 23, 2014, we will again receive you. At that time you will have a more extensive introduction to the University, its facilities, the Colleges and Faculties, and members of staff. Be sure to attend and please encourage your parents and/or spouses to be there because there will be special sessions for them.
Having accepted the offer of a place at UTech, Jamaica, please remember you can only begin to attend classes when you fully enrolled; this means, you would have selected your modules and paid your fees. For this reason I am encouraging you to enroll for the modules that you are able to afford and to pay the fees that are due. Enrolment and registration will commence July 01, 2014 and is scheduled to close on August 22, 2014, so please enroll as early as possible. You should visit the sections on the UTech website that provides ‘New and Returning Student Enrolment Information’ that will assist you in the enrolment process.
The Enrolment Steps as text and in an instructional video are on the University website and we strongly urge you, especially if you are a new student, to view these before you begin the enrolment process. There is also an Enrolment Manual and a Student Enrolment Information Booklet on the website. The curriculum for your full undergraduate Course of Study as well as information on financing your studies and accessing services that the University provides is also at your finger tip on the website. We look forward to working with you and your Students’ Union to provide the best service and support.
My best wishes for a successful and rewarding year.